International Art Books
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications, Inc.

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Architettura del Sublime

Edited By Piero Sartoga and Nathalie Grenon
September 2007
Mondadori Electa, Milan, Italy
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9788837052317

212 Pages, Illustrated, 10 1/2 x 8 3/8 "

$79.50 Paper Original

A book on architecture with a religious purpose: an example of how to reconcile architecture and art today. From planning down to inauguration: contemporary architecture and art in the service of the religious community.
An essential model for sacred art and architecture in our day.

This volume deals with the architectural project by the Sartogo firm, in the course of its construction, and illustrates its logic from the planning phase down to the opening. It explores the social function of building, rendered even more deeply spiritual by the works of art it incorporates as an integral part of the structure.

The church is the well-deserved response to the sacrifices of a community of believers who for years were compelled to live their Christianity in the absence of a true house of God. A distinctive feature of the project is the new dialogue between art and architecture. In both the church and the volume the works exemplify that art can be sacred without losing its contemporary relevance. The artists who created works specially commissioned for the church include Accardi, Dynys, Kounellis, Mattiacci, Paladino, Ruffo, Tirelli and Uncini.






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