Art Books International
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications, Inc.

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I Love Badges! Buttons. Pins…
In English & Spanish Texts

By Eva Minguet Camara
November 2007
Instituto Monsa
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
194 Pages, Illustrated, 6 3/8 x 8 1/4"
$43.50 Paper

Non verbal communication via "Badges" has come a long way from the original and now nostalgic "ACID" or "SMILE" badges to the present day selection used in advertising and by various social or political groups as protest/pressure slogans.

With the badges in literally every business, people identify with the picture, phrase or the particular moment being reflected and, this century more so than any other, these small insignias are exploited by a great many people, leaving aside their different cultures, education and dress codes.

This is the century of badges!!





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