Through a Maze Blindfold: My Experience of Interstitial Cystitis


By: Janet Baird
September 2016
Book Guild
Distributed by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9781910878408
183 Pages
$22.50 Paper original


This book tells of Janet’s life with undiagnosed Interstitial Cystitis (IS), which she has suffered from for the majority of her life. It took over 29 years for her to receive the treatment that she needed, though her first symptoms arose at just 13 years old. As Janet grew older, her symptoms worsened and in her early twenties was told she may only have two years to live.

She was told her disease was imaginary by more than thirteen NHS hospitals and even lost touch with her family and friends as a result. It wasn’t until Janet took it upon herself to study iridology that she begun to understand her illness and what had caused it. In 2002 she uncovered the truth and discovered why so many medical professionals had dismissed her despite having a repeat antibiotic prescription for 19 years. Janet has vowed to help as many women as possible to get the treatment that they need. She hopes that this book will encourage others to fight for their wellbeing and health, plus recognise the symptoms of IS/BPS