Voices From the Past
From German Jew to British Patriot

By Herbert Levy
ISBN: 1-85776-087-5
122 p. illus.
$22.95 Paper

Voices From the Past is the autobiography of a German Jew who was born in Berlin just three years before Hitler came to power. Herbert Levy describes vividly his experiences as he grew up in an increasingly anti-Semitic environment. As conditions worsened, so his family's efforts to escape became more and more frantic. Eventually he was put on a train, a child alone, and sent to Holland. Thence he boarded a ship for Harwich and from there traveled to London. Later Herbert's parents were able to join him and together they experienced the privations and horrors of the Blitz, but not before his mother had been separated from his father and interned on the Isle of Man. The war at last over, he found himself in the ironic position of being called up for National Service in the British Army. Voices from the Past is a vividly told tale and an impassioned plea that we should never allow ourselves to forget.

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