Golden Apples of Hesperides
Three New Plays in the Style of Greek Drama

By William & Audrey Knight
July 2000
ISBN: 1-85776-413-7
192 p.
$34.95 Cloth


This is a compilation of three plays written in the style of Greek drama. Seek the New Helen takes place in Troy 20 years after Paris seized Helen. A fresh group of Greek soldiers discover Menelaus' daughter, a new beauty with the strength and application to be Helen's successor. The Usurpers takes place in Tiryns, where Tisamenes is the first male ruler in a land where a queen previously always held power. Desperate to find a conflict to prove his claim to the throne, he neglects those in his court who plot to return a woman to power. Tongues of Angels is a contemporary story of a marital breakdown written in the blank verse style typical of Greek dramas.

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