Rose in No Man's Land

By John Kerr
November 2011
Book Guild
Distributed by Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9781846246289
298 pages
$32.95 Hardcover

Frank Harrington is an idealistic volunteer in the American Ambulance Field Service, a group of young Americans ferrying wounded soldiers from the front lines of the Western Front to temporary, teeming field hospitals. As Frank gradually comes to grips with the appalling realities of trench warfare and dodges the German shells, he also finds himself falling in love with Kit Stanley.

Kit is one of many volunteer English nurses tending to the flood of British soldiers suffering from ghastly wounds and poison gas. But she must also grapple with the burden of her allegiance to Captain Nigel Owen, an infantry commander caught in the thick of the fighting.

By turns gripping and romantic, horrifying and deeply moving, John Kerr's powerful novel paints a vivid picture of life just behind the front lines and of the ordinary, unsung men and women whose sacrifice and heroism helped save the lives of thousands of soldiers.


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