Sacred Site


By Kim Fleet
November 2009
Picnic Publications
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9780955861390
198 pages
$24.95 paper original

Esther King is an anthropologist working with the Tjulpan Aboriginal community in Western Australia. A mining company has discovered gold under Mt Parker, a sacred site close to the community, but to get to the gold they have to destroy the site. Esther determines to save it, especially when she learns that a century before there was a massacre of Aboriginal people there.

Tjulpan community is reluctant to talk about the massacre, however, and is suffering with its own problems. A woman from the comunity confides in Esther that child abuse is endemic in Tjulpan and asks for her help. Within hours, the woman is murdered. As Esher probes Tjulpan's secrets and Mt Parker's history, she uncovers blackmail, abuse and deceit. She is threatened and her colleagues are attacked. Undeterred, her investigations lead to a showdown in the outback where Esther is left fighting for her life.

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