Elizabethan Parliaments 1559-1601,
2nd edition

By Michael Graves
August 1996
Pearson Education
ISBN: 0582291968
152 pages.
$36.50 Paper Original

Michael Graves provides a clear summary of conflicting interpretations of Elizabethan parliaments and presents a new perspective, striking a balance between business and politics.

Part One: Background 1. Pre-Tudor Parliaments. 2. Pre-Reformation Parliaments, 1485 - 1529. 3. The Parliaments of the Reformation, 1529-58.
Part Two: 4. Parliament's Place in 1558-9. 5. Membership and Attendance. 6. The Political History of Elizabethan Parliaments. 7. The Business Record of Elizabethan Parliaments.
Part Three: Assessment. 8. Conclusion. Part Four: Documents. Elizabethan Parliaments. Bibliography. Index.

Features " provides an assessment of revisionism " substantially revised to take account of recent literature - including much new work on patronage, parliamentary management and the 'Men of Business' (especially by the author himself) " contains a selection of documents including new sources which illustrate the important political, organizational and functional aspects of parliament "

M R Graves is an eminent Tudor historian. He is the author of Early Tudor Parliaments also in "Seminar Studies" and The Tudor Parliaments: Crown, Lords and Commons 1485-1603 in "Studies in Modern History" published by Longman

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