Brilliant Freelancer

By Leif Kendall
May 2011
Pearson Education
Distributed by Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9780273744634
255 pages
$39.50 paper original

About the author




Part 1: The freelance essentials: what you need to know before you take the leap

Chapter 1: What does it mean to be a freelancer?

Chapter 2: Are you ready for freelancing?

Chapter 3: Make a smooth transition into freelancing

Chapter 4: Your first freelance jobs: how to find them and how to quote for them

Chapter 5: Becoming a company

Part2: Finding freelance work: how to find the most profitable and manageable work

Chapter 6: Take your ass to market

Chapter 7: Find work fast

Chapter 8: Networking: the power of people

Chapter 9: Get a website

Chapter 10: Blog for victory

Chapter 11: How to sell

Chapter 12: Get more work than you can handle

Part 3: Manage your clients (before they manage you)

Chapter 13: Managing clients

Chapter 14: Deal with (and decline) difficult clients

Chapter 15: The client’s side of the story

Part 4: Motivate yourself and get stuff done

Chapter 16: The art of motivation

Chapter 17: Choose a productive place to work

Chapter 18: Healthy body, healthy mind

Chapter 19: Healthy computers

Part 5: Protect yourself: finances, cash flow, credit control and contracts

Chapter 20: How to keep financial records

Chapter 21: Cash flow and the need for credit control

Chapter 22: Create a contract

Part 6: Next steps – and beyond!

Chapter 23: Partnerships, products and businesses

Looking forward


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