Psychology on the Web
A Student Guide

By Stuart Stein
December 2003
Prentice Hall / Pearson Education
ISBN: 0-13-060573-5
204 pages, Illustrated, 6 ¼" x 9 ¼"
$38.50 paper original

This is a guide directed at those who want to be able to access psychology Internet resources quickly and efficiently without needing to become IT experts. The emphasis is on the location of high quality psychology related Internet resources likely to be useful for learning, teaching and research. It is written on the basis of practical experience acquired by the author over many years of using Internet resources in the context of teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the social sciences covering a wide range of topic specialisms and in informing academic staff.

In addition to coverage of topics relating to the efficient location of files and Web sites, Part III provides an annotated list of high quality resources likely to be of use to students of psychology. The work is structured so that it will be found useful by both beginners and intermediate level users and be of continuing use over the course of higher education studies. Features include: an explanation of terminology; an overview of the ways in which search engines operate; details of how to construct basic queries to locate files rapidly; extensive illustrations of how to construct advance search queries; information on how to deal with dead Internet addresses; details of how to locate mailing lists; and information on safeguarding your data, computer viruses, personal privacy and more.

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