Brilliant NLP, 2nd edition
What the Most Successful People Know, Do & Say


By David Molden & Pat Hutchinson
August 2010
Pearson Education
Distributed by the Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9780273732556
209 Pages, Illustrated
$42.50 Paper original

NLP is the key to unlocking success in your personal and professional life. It gives you powerful tools and techniques to make positive changes to your life right now.

Brilliant NLP clearly explains how NLP works, gives you plenty of exercises to help you put theory into practice, and reveals how other people have used NLP to build happy and successful lives so you can too.

With two new chapters and lots more tips, examples and techniques, you'll be more than equipped to take control, change your thinking and change your life. The potential is already inside of you - now it's time to let it out!

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