How to Save an Hour Everyday

By Michael Heppell
August 2011
Pearson Education
Distrubuted by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9780273745693
177 pages, Illustrated
$36.50 Paper Original

How to Save an Hour Every Day is the new book from Michael Heppell, author of the bestselling personal development hit of 2010 Flip It, described by DJ and TV presenter Chris Evans as “brilliant, simple, a joy to read!” and “the best personal development book I have ever read”.

Would you like an extra hour a day, every day of your life, to do whatever you want with?

If this sounds like an impossible dream, then here’s the good news: that extra hour really can be yours!

This easy-read book is high impact and full of brilliant ideas, tactics and suggestions that are all designed to save you valuable time. If you are willing to invest just an hour of your time to read it, pick out the ideas that leap out to you and put them into action, you’ll create extra time every single day in a way you wouldn’t believe could be possible.

Among other things you will:

· overcome procrastination and make better, faster decisions

· unearth hidden time for you – time to do the important things

· discover powerful new ways to organise your time and your life

· find out how to deal with the deadly ‘time sappers’

· streamline and simplify absolutely everything you do – both at work and in the home

We’re sure you’ll find more time every day. What you do with it is up to you . . .



1 Creating a strong enough ‘why’

2 Overcoming procrastination

3 To Do or Not To Do, that is the question

4 Dealing with distractions

5 Home

6 Work

7 Advanced techniques

8 Twenty-five extra ideas!

About Michael

Thank you

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