Introduction to Research Methods & Data Analysis in Psychology, 3rd ed.

Book Title

By Darren Langdridge & Gareth Hagger-Johnson
December 2013
Pearson Education
Distributed by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9780273756873
611 Pages, Illustrated
$87.50 Paper Original


This third edition of Introduction to Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology provides you with a unique, balanced blend of quantitative and qualitative research methods. Highly practical in nature, the book guides you, step-by-step, through the research process and is underpinned by SPSS screenshots, diagrams and examples throughout.


Section 1 – Introducing research methods

1. Starting out in research 
2. Variables: definition and measurement
3. Reliability, validity, sampling and groups

4. Interviews and observation 
5. Questionnaires and psychometric tests
6. Experimental and quasi-experimental designs

7. E-research

Section 2 – Analysing quantitative data

8. Fundamentals of statistics

9. Entering and manipulating data
10. Graphical representation and descriptive statistics
11. Bivariate analysis 1: exploring differences between variables
12. Bivariate analysis 2: exploring relationships between variables

15. Regression

16. Introducing R

Section 3 – Analysing qualitative data

17. Fundamentals of qualitative research
18. Transcribing, coding and organising textual data
19. Phenomenological research methods
20. Grounded theory
21. Discourse analysis
22. Life story and narrative research
23. The use of computers in qualitative analysis

24. Mixed methods 

Section 4 – Reporting findings

25. Ethics and politics 
26. Reporting and presenting findings
