Key Studies in Psychology
4th edition

By Richard Gross
November 2003
Hodder Murray
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9780340857854
752 pages, Illustrated, 7 1/2" x 9 1/2"
$62.50 paper original

Key Studies in Psychology, 4th edition offers students full and detailed summaries of 33 research reports and studies drawn from all major areas of psychology: cognitive, social, developmental, abnormal, biopsychology, comparative and cutlure, identity and individual differences.

Before each summary, the study is put into a theoretical, practical and/or socio-historical context, and details of its aims, hypotheses, method and design are presented. Following each summary, an evaluation of the study is provided, focusing on major theoretical and methodogical issues, subsequent research, and applications and implications.

Each summary is also followed by exercise questions which require the reader to think critically about methodological, statistical, ethical as well as theoretical features of the study. Answers to these questions are given at the back of the book.

The book gives students excellent first-hand experience of reading journal articles and the chosen key studies will be of great value in practical work, essay-writing and preparation of seminar papers.

Key Studies in Psychology 4th edition is designed to be accessible and reader-friendly. All 20 studies from the new OCR specification are covered and it also includes 2 new studies. The book is suitable for all A and AS level students as well as Psychology undergraduates and the interested general reader.

Table of Contents:
Part 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Miller (1969)
Part 2 Cgnitive Psychology
Chapter 2 Deregowski (1972)
Chapter 3 Baron-Cohen et al (1985)
Chapter 4 Craik and Lockhart (1972)
Chapter 5 Loftus and Palmer (1974)
Chapter 5 Gardner and Gardner (1969)
Part 3 Social Psychology
Chapter 7 Milgram (1963)
Chapter 8 Haney et al (1973)
Chapter 9 Piliavin et al (1969)
Chapter 10 Festinger and Carlsmith (1959)
Chapter 11 Nisbett et al (1973)
Chapter 12 Tajfel (1970)
Part 4 Developmental Psychology
Chapter 13 Samuel and Bryant
Chapter 14 Bandura et al (1961)
Chapter 15 Hodges and Tizard (1989)
Chapter 16 Watson and Rayner (1920)
Chapter 17 Levinson (1986)
Chapter 18 Fernald (1985)
Chapter 19 Freud (1909)
Part 5 Individual Differences
Chapter 20 Rosenhan (1973)
Chapter 21 Thigpen and Cleckley (1954)
Chapter 22 Eysenck (1952)
Chapter 23 Gould (1982)
Chatper 24 Bouchard and McGhue (1981)
Chapter 25 Bem (1974)
Chapter 26 Hraba and Grant (1970)
Chapter 27 Nobles (1976)
Part 6 Physiological Psychology
Chapter 28 Schachter and Singer (1962)
Chapter 29 Dement and Kleitman (1957)
Chapter 30 Sperry (1968)
Chapter 31 Orne (1966)
Chapter 32 Blackmore (1988)
Chapter 33 Raine et al (1997)

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