Role of the Family in the 21st Century

By T.C. Lea
March 2010
Book Guild
Distributed by Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9781846243813suleiman
69 pages
$33.95 Hardcover

In The Role of the Family in the 21st Century, T.C. Lea uses the ideas of the world's greatest thinkers over the last 3,000 years, combined with elements of the world's great religions, to create a new philosophy, which he calls "The Family on the Life Mountain." His unique approach takes into account the decline of religious influence in the West over the last 50 years, while at the same time there has been a rapid advance in scientific and communication technologies.

The author's straightforward and easy to understand outline of how the family operates on the Life Mountain makes it possible for family members to ascend to higher levels of achievement, and he maps out alternative paths on that journey which will allow particular requirements and circumstances to be met.

Ascending the Life Mountain takes free will and strong commitment, as people deal with short term aspects of modern life that are in themselves products of long term developments over centuries of mankind's development. The book demonstrates how these short term aspects of life interact with one another, resulting in the breakdown of social cohesion that is so apparent in today's modern world. By following Mr. Lea's philosophy, family members can learn ti evaluate the short term problems, place them in perspective, and correct them, thus raising their level of life satisfaction and hence their quality of life.

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