Theory & Practice in Sociology

Edited by Ian Marsh
May 2002
Prentice Hall / Pearson Education
ISBN: 0-13-026553-5
333 Pages
$57.50 paper original

A comprehensive examination and discussion of the major theoretical positions and research practices in Sociology. The aim of this new book is to provide students and lecturers with a comprehensive, clear and accessible introduction to the main methods of research and the main theoretical approaches in Sociology.

By covering both research methods and theory, students and tutors have one text that offers a consistent coverage of the two areas that are on the whole compulsory, core elements of Sociology degrees. Features: provides a combination of sociological theory and methods in a single text; enables regular cross-referencing between practice and theory, and easy grounding of one with the other; provides a middle ground niche between all-encompassing Sociology texts and the high level, detailed specific texts on either methods or theory; superb interactive approach to actively engage students.

Pedagogical features include 'reflective breaks' and/or case studies every few pages, fuller exercises at the end of each chapter that can be used as workshop activities, key issues and summaries; easy to follow text and an accessible design; written by a team of established Sociology tutors and edited by an experienced and well-known writer Editor: Ian Marsh Department of Sociology, Liverpool Hope University College.. Contributors: Tony Finnegan, Dawn Jones, Mike Keating, Sam Pryke, Jayne Raisborough and Julie Scott all of the Department of Sociology, Liverpool Hope University College.

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