Tort Law, 4th UK edition
Texts, Production, Context
Law Express

By Emily Finch & Stefan Fafinski
January 2013
Pearson Education
Distributed by the Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9781408295434
266 Pages
$29.50 Paper original

The Law Express series is designed to help you revise effectively. This book is your guide to understanding essential concepts, remembering and applying key legislation and making your answers stand out!





Guided tour

Guided tour of the companion website

Tables of cases and statutes

Chapter 1: Negligence – duty of care

Chapter 2: Negligence – breach of duty

Chapter 3: Negligence – causation and remoteness of damage

Chapter 4: Vicarious liability

Chapter 5: Employers’ liability

Chapter 6: Occupiers’ liability

Chapter 7: Nuisance

Chapter 8: Rylands v. Fletcher

Chapter 9: Trespass to land

Chapter 10: Trespass to the person

Chapter 11: Liability for defective products

Chapter 12: Defamation and privacy

Chapter 13: Defences

Chapter 14: Remedies

And finally, before the exam …

Glossary of terms


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