Basic Engineering Thermodynamics, 5th edition

By R. Joel
September 1996
Pearson Education
ISBN: 0582256291
664 pages, Illustrated
$92.50 Paper Original


Engineering thermodynamics is the study of and practical application of the successful conversion of heat energy into work energy, a transformation fundamental to the existence of our modern industrial society. The thermodynamic conversion process lies behind the operation of the internal combustion engine and the generation of power. Transport systems - such as the motor cars, aircraft and railway trains - can only function because of this process; it also makes possible the generation of the electricity, supplying energy for heating, lighting and computing, and many other processes essential to the modern world.

Basic Engineering Thermodynamics, first published in 1960, provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles and application of the subject. The fifth edition has been extensively revised and updated with a new chapter on basic psychrometry and additional material and re-drawn illustration throughout. This is a core text for BTEC HNC/D and degree courses in mechanical engineering.

Nomenclature. 1. General Introduction. 2. Systems. 3. Laws Of Thermodynamics. 4. Steam And Two-Phase Systems. 5. Gases And Single Phase Systems. 6. Thermodynamic Reversibility. 7. Entropy. 8. Steam Plant. 9. Steam Engine. 10. Nozzles. 11. Steam Turbines. 12. Air And Gas Compressors. 13. Ideal Gas Power Cycles. 14. Internal Combustion Engines. 15. Engine Trials. 16. Combustion. 17. Refrigeration. 18. Heat Transfer. Index

" Provides a basic non-mathematical approach to the subject. " Emphasizes the effective and efficient use of energy. " Illustrations have all been updated and some new diagrams and photographs added. " Includes numerous worked examples. " Includes increased number of revision questions at the end of each chapter.

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