Communication Skills: A Guide for Engineering & Applied Science Students, 3rd edition

By John W. Davies & Ian K. Dunn
October 2011
Pearson Education
Distributed by Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN 9780273729525
177 Pages, Illustrated
$125.00 Paper original

An informal guide to help engineering and applied science students become better communicators. It is the only British book to cover the communication skills engineering and applied science students will need in both their academic and professional careers, using examples of good practice, checklists and self-assessment tests. Topics include writing technical reports, giving presentations, email and web communication, avoiding plagiarism, and compiling work-based learning portfolios.



  1. Introduction
  2. Words
  3. Sentences
  4. Grammar and style
  5. The writing process
  6. Technical information
  7. Source information and good practice
  8. Laboratory assignments
  9. Reports
  10. Proposals, specifications and manuals
  11. Final year reports
  12. Spoken presentations
  13. Recording experience and personal development
  14. Group work and meetings
  15. Essays and exam answers
  16. Letters
  17. CVs and job applications
  18. Interviews
  19. What Next?

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