Build It!
Projects for the Practical Smallholder

By Joe Jacobs
September 2008
Good Life Press
Distrubuted by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9781904871323
160 pages, Illustrated.
$35.00 paper original

Using recycled materials wherever possible, engineer and smallholder Joe Jacobs provides clear, step-by-step instructions for over 50 DIY projects for both inside and outside the home farm. Joe guides you through the equipment, the tools, the materials and the plans, all complete with measurements and instructions.

The projects include a polytunnel greenhouse, beehives, chicken arks and runs, gates, hurdles and fencing, cloches, a dog kennel, feed bins, a heat pump installation, a heated orphan lamb feeder, an incubator, nesting boxes and renewable energy projects including solar panels and plenty more, making this an essential book for any keen enthusiast with a basic knowledge of construction.

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